PRACTICING to share: Series of collaborations 2019

Practicing to Share - image with Tanja Ostojic

Across 2019 I received a project grant from Arts Council England. The grant was two fold – to develop my own artistic practice, but to also develop my project Statements in Semaphore to become Aldershot specific. During this time I have started two new pieces of ongoing work. Practicing to Share and Conversations with Aldershot. These images are a small selection of images from the ‘Practicing to Share’ series showing some of the work and practice sharing that took place. I have been working with nine different Artists over 2019 with a focus on how we can usefully share practice in limited time frames or with limited resources. This is especially useful in the current climate where many of us Artists have other work or caring responsibilities alongside our practice, we cannot afford or manage the time for studio space or consistent creative time with other Artists.

More info on each piece of work will be available soon.