Looking at Art

  Facebook post October 19th 2016 The above Facebook post was a little snapshot of my visit to Southampton with a group of fellow artists and MA students. We went to visit the British Art Show 8 and it gave me a lot to think about. Often when I visit exhibitions I tire pretty quickly.… Continue reading Looking at Art

The Mother House residency reflection

Motherhouse London - A pilot residency 2016

September has gone by in a whirlwind – a fantastic feminist, thought provoking, creative, supportive, informative and busy month. I spent the month as part of the 35 women artists involved in the pilot residency Mother House set up by Dyana Gravina of the ProCreate Project and Amy Dignam of Desperate Artwives.  Once a week… Continue reading The Mother House residency reflection

Conversations in a bucket

During the Summer I continued my exploration with cups, tin cans and string. I tried out different materials and vessels to see what would work and what sizes would work. I found that the act of being given a communication tool like this, no matter the size, encouraged people to play. Conversations began usually the… Continue reading Conversations in a bucket